Things to do in Morocco

1. One of the top things to do in Morocco is to visit one of the hammam and enjoy an exquisite spa experience in the traditional bathhouses. There are many to choose from, and each one offers something different and unique that makes it special.

2. Morocco adventure tours can be a great way to spend time in this country. Whether you are looking for a scenic adventure or something more exciting you can find it by taking one of these tours.

3. A visit to the Marjorelle Gardens in Marrakesh is one that tops the list of places for many visitors to this country. The gardens are a beautiful oasis setting, and this is just what the French artist who created the gardens intended.

4. Djemaa el Fna is one of the top things to do in Morocco according to many people who have been. This is a square which is a bustling meeting place, market, and source of community and entertainment all rolled into one. Food sellers, entertainers, and souks can all be found here.

5. One of the top things to do in Casablanca is to visit the Old Medina, where history comes alive in the shops and atmosphere. This is the old city, and there are many architectural wonders in this area as well as shops and stalls which offer items for sale.

6. The Palais de la Bahia offers a stunning example of the architectural beauty that Morocco is famous for. The exquisite gardens and rich sense of history attracts many visitors each year.

7. One of the best things to do in Morocco is to take a camel trek across the desert. This experience is unique and exciting, and is enjoyed immensely by almost everyone who takes part. An experienced guide leads you through the desert on a camel.

8. The Hassan II mosque in Casablanca is one of the most visited locations in Morocco, and this attraction has religious as well as historical significance for many who come to visit.

9. Staying in a riad is one of the most popular things to do in Morocco for tourists. A riad is similar to a Bed and Breakfast and allows you to enjoy a traditional Moroccan household and lifestyle during your stay.

10. Morocco vacation packages are one of the top attractions for this area. These packages are available in a wide variety of types and costs.

Things to do in Morocco

The list of things to do in Morocco is a long one, and travelers will find that the country's diverse landscape lends itself well to all kinds of outdoor adventures. In addition to a host of fun activities, visitors to this fascinating African country can also enjoy a range of great attractions. The Morocco attractions offer something for everyone, and word is spreading fast when it comes to how rewarding a Morocco visit can be. While a list of things to do in Morocco can include any number of things, there are some activities and attractions that figure among the best and most popular.


Morocco's medinas, or old districts, are magical places to explore, and they easily figure among the most iconic Morocco tourist attractions. These walled districts with their maze-like streets function much like they have for centuries, and they can be ideal places to go shopping and explore. In Marrakech, for example, taking in the atmosphere at the large central square in the medina can make for memories to last a lifetime.

Jamaa el Fna Square

This large square in the Marrakech medina is one of the best places in Morocco to observe a unique slice of everyday life. During the day, various street performers wander the square entertaining passersby, and juice stalls offer refreshing beverages. As the day wears on, the atmosphere at this renowned square gets even more enticing, as more and more street performers arrive and the food stalls start sending savory scents into the air. Jamaa el Fna Square impresses on many different levels, and it's one of the Morocco attractions that travelers won't want to miss.


Mosques figure among the most historical Morocco tourist attractions, and many can be found in the country's various medinas. These places of worship are generally off-limits to non-Muslims, though they are still worth checking out due to their architectural and historical appeal. There are two mosques that non-Muslims can enter—the Tin Mal Mosque and the Hassan II Mosque. The Tin Mal Mosque is an older mosque and can be found near Marrakech, while the Hassan II Mosque is a huge, newer mosque that is hard to miss on the Casablanca skyline.


Morocco boasts a rich history, and some of the country's best museums offer insight into the more interesting historical facts. The America Legation Museum is one of the top Morocco tourist attractions, and it offers the most comprehensive look at the country's history. Found in Tangier, this museum offers free guided tours in English. The arts are very much at the heart of many museum displays as well, which is the case at the Museum of Moroccan Arts. This museum in Marrakech displays interesting arts and crafts, including leatherwork, jewelry, and carpets.


One of the best ways to take in the many different Morocco attractions is through a tour. Guided tours of the country's medinas are popular, especially in cities with larger medinas, such as Fes. In addition to exploring a medina, those who are wondering what to do in Morocco can also go on a bird watching tour, a biking tour, and a bunch of other fun tours.

Camel Treks

Camel treks figure among the most popular Morocco tours, as they allow visitors to get in touch with their inner Lawrence of Arabia. The most popular destination for Morocco camel treks is Merzouga, though there are a few other options worth considering. Merzouga offers access to the Erg Chebbi, which is a verifiable desert wonderland that is full of shifting dunes. These dunes can be up to 500 feet tall. Camel treks can last a few hours or a few weeks. There are camps and other retreats scattered across the desert for travelers who need food, water, or a place to stay for the night.


Heading into the mountains for some highland fun is one of the most popular things to do in Morocco, especially during the hot summer months. The cooler, fresher mountain air can be very enticing in the summer months, though the Morocco mountains are inviting regardless of the season. It's possible to go skiing in Morocco, which can be a unique experience. There are a couple small ski resorts in the Morocco mountains, and one can be found in the dazzling Ourika Valley.


Hiking is one of the most popular things to do in Morocco, and it can be enjoyed year round. Winter snowfalls can make for adverse conditions, in which case hiking enthusiasts might stick to the other seasons when planning a trip. Hiking tours are easy to book in cities like Fes and Marrakech, and travelers can always head out on their own to trek the country's trails. The mountains make for the best hiking terrain.


Many of the Morocco attractions are natural ones, and such is the case with the beaches. Enticing strips of sand can be found along the country's long coastline, and while some front the Atlantic Ocean, others sit on the Mediterranean Sea. Agadir and the Tamuda Bay area figure among the best places to enjoy some time on the beach in Morocco, though they certainly aren't the only destinations of choice. Various watersports can be enjoyed at the Morocco beaches, and surfing is growing in popularity.


For all intents and purposes, restaurants figure among the best Morocco tourist attractions, as sampling the country's unique cuisine is one of the main joys to be had. Couscous is the national dish. Various stews, or tanjines, also feature prominently on the menu at the Moroccan restaurants, and fresh seafood is abundant on the coast.